adamantined May 24, 2009 18:02
mohinder is the stubborn one, eden is the pretty one, dinosaur is cool, bight eyed optimism, everyone ever, my own private freakshow, baked goods forever, caspian is my bff, zach is my clarissa, matt is the smart one, cupcakes are for winners, hiro is the sexy one, peter is the best uncle, idc i do what i want, luke is the mean one, lists are neat, chuck chuck chuck a duck, it's julio's fault, too many tags get out, accidental crazy person, jamie jamie bo bamie, sylar is the mysterious one, molly is the cute one
adamantined Jan 22, 2009 19:20
=/, not in odessa anymore, eden is the pretty one, heroes family crisis, dinosaur is cool, short entry is short, everyone ever, needs more spiderman, normal is the watchword, mohinder is the antichrist, public service announcements
adamantined Nov 09, 2008 19:37
lists are neat, sylar stinks, save the cheerleader, dinosaur is cool, caspian is my bff, zach is my clarissa, daddy's girl, bawww regulus, normal is the watchword, jingle balls jingle balls